Bug Bonz Kids Toy Under 2-3 yrs

Bug Bonz

An award winning product thoroughly tested for quality standards, please read the following statement from the manufacturers…..

“All Curious Toys products, including the entire Bonz line of construction toys – ExoBonz, BugBonz, GloBonz, DragonBonz, SkyBonz, SeaBonz, are tested by an independent testing agency and have passed all USTA standards.The vast majority of parts are cast from ABS plastic with the pigment cast into the part resulting in no ingestion risk. Less than 1% of the pieces (BugBonz ladybug, SeaBonz clawz) have an overspray of paint and all of the paint is tested on a regular basis to ensure that it contains no lead.The complete testing report on each product is available on request by emailing info@curioustoys.com.”

 The Bonz series of construction toys focuses on the building of quirky characters. Bonz features special connections that interconnect all the parts and facilitates 180 degree movements allowing the characters to pose and move. Extremely tactile with shiny pieces, the Bonz toys encourage children to use their creativity to design and build imaginative characters. And more…

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