McLaren Mercedes Formula 1 Bambercar

Jim Bamber McLaren Mercedes Formula 1 Bambercar

You may well be familiar with Jim Bamber’s cartoons, well now his work is available in 3D form.

Now, you have the chance to get Jim’s cartoons in 3 dimentional form. Jim Bamber McLaren Mercedes Formula 1 Bambercar is an absolute must for a F1 fan or someone who knows about the reationship between “man and machine”.

It was during this period, the early 1980’s, that Jim Bamber first drew the simple, plain faced character that has become his trademark. He first used it to depict his hero, the Swedish rally driver Stig Blomqvist, and the cartoons were immediately snapped up by editor Peter Newton who ran them on the back pages of Cars and Car Conversions magazine under the title “Yumping Yarns”. That was in 1981 and since then his subjects must have included almost every well known member of the F1 and World Rally communities. Someone once said, “The only thing worse than being in a Jim Bamber cartoon, is not being in one!”

Jim is often asked why he depicts his subjects with a plain face. Here’s his answer, “Having ‘doodled’ the first sketch of it, I quickly realised that most of the drivers I wanted to feature all wore full faced helmets and it seemed so easy just to put the names on them and dot the eyes in. It wasn’t until years later that I realised it had become a character in itself.”

As the saying goes, the best ideas are the simple ones and Jim Bamber has built a long career out of his. His cartoons have appeared weekly in the ‘bible’ of motorsport in the UK, Autosport magazine, since 1989 and compilations of his work are published annually in his “Pits” books. He receives commissions, like his safety projects for the RACC club in Spain and a cyclist’s club in California, from all over the world and his work is often featured as far as India, in the Car India magazine. Read more…>>>Jim Bamber McLaren Mercedes Formula 1 Bambercar

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